Once he was called in to the king's child, and when he entered, he saw Death standing by the child's head, and he cured it with the water. 不过你要看清死神站在病人的哪一头,如果站在病人头前,给病人喝点这种水,他就会痊愈;
When he sees that the boy is not with us, he will come to his death, and our father's grey head will go down in sorrow to the underworld. 我们的父亲见没有童子,他就必死。这便是我们使你仆人我们的父亲白发苍苍,悲悲惨惨地下阴间去了。
But there is no time for love when death hangs over one's head. 但并没有对爱情的时候死了一个人的头挂起。
From the death threats to throwing shoes at my grandfather's head and giving him a concussion to threatening to kill my mother in front of my little brother Dakota. 他要么以死相逼,要么就撩起一个鞋子就朝我外公砸过去,要么就在我年幼的弟弟达科他面前扬言要置我母亲于死地。